
The capital campaign provides the needed tools to sustain a high-quality ambulance service including funding a new ambulance, LUCAS 3 Chest Compression Systems and AED supplies. This in turn allows the annual budget to focus on operating expenses such as funding higher wages and a retirement program to recruit and maintain a skilled emergency medical crew amidst a highly competitive labor market.
Our funding sources include income from services which is then supplemented by the towns we serve through the annual budget process but our capital needs are ongoing and would be out of reach without the generosity of our donors through these campaigns. We need your help so that you can count on us and our professional medical services and equipment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. At any given time, it could be you, a loved one, or someone you know that may need an ambulance. Our capital campaigns ensure that we will be here for you with quality staff and equipment and that we can continue to serve as the Boothbay Region’s first line of defense in times need.
The BRAS is very fortunate that, once again, Paul and Giselaine Coulombe of Southport have jump-started this year’s campaign with a generous matching donation up to $175,000 toward our goal of $350,000! The Coulombe matching fund challenge runs until February 15, 2023. Donations can be made by check and mailed to PO. Box 280, Boothbay, Maine, 04537 or deposited at your local branch of First National Bank with “BRAS CC” in the memo. Online donations can be made by clicking the links below, or you may contact our finance manager via email
The BRAS Board of Directors extend our heartfelt thanks for your support of the Boothbay Region Ambulance Service and the communities that we serve. We couldn’t provide our high level of service without you!